Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

If you are involved in the blogging world, you probably already know a little about WordPress. However, many people don’t really understand the greatness of this platform or how it can help them. The concepts that follow are meant to help those needing more information.

If there’s a post with a title that’s long, make sure you clean your permalink up. Avoid cumbersome URLs like “The Ten Ways Intelligent Parents Manage Their Children.” You can simply shorten that to include only the keywords.

Become familiar with the options and tools that are at your disposal when you blog with WordPress. For instance, the button named kitchen sink gives you multiple formatting and importing options for your posts. There are some great options in the screen options as well. Use this section to change many of your formatting elements.

Make sure to use both alt text and title tags. This allows you to add words to your images. This will let you add more SEO phrases and will let users that block images know what they are missing.

Make sure the URLs for your posts do not have special characters in them. These characters can make things a real hassle. You should make your URLs shorter and only use keywords.

Rank higher with the search engines by paying careful attention to the images that you upload. Always remember to add alternative text and title tags. If a viewer pins your picture on Pinterest, your title is what will appear on their screen.

Don’t choose a common term, such as “admin,” for your username. Having admin or administrator as your username makes your blog more likely to be successfully attacked by bots. This is an unnecessary security risk to take. Eliminate admin type user names altogether. Choose another username.

Titles and targeted descriptions are important. These are the first impressions that your readers see. Therefore, they are vital. Scribe is a great piece of software that you can use. Carefully editing these items can lead to greater web traffic.

Organize that media library often. It may be tempting to just upload images directly into the library, but things can become chaotic really quick. Make sure to incorporate folder structures that allows you to categorize properly. You’ll be able to find what you need much more quickly.

Make sure you regularly update your plugins. These plugins are very important for your site. Just like anything else, though, there are regular updates available for most of them. You must be sure to install updates so that you don’t miss important upgrades. Additionally, sometimes plugins stop working if they are not updated regularly.

Approving comments manually is an outdated practice. Instead, use Akismet to do the work for you. Naturally, you could manually check comments, but it is easier to have them delivered to you for approval before posting. You aren’t saving much time this way.

Is it hard for you to post on a schedule? You can write it in advance and have WordPress post it for you at a preselected time. You have the option to schedule a future posting when opening the new post page. Therefore, write away and get everything taken care of ahead of time.

WordPress is not a new program, and many bloggers have at minimum a passing familiarity in it over the years. There are many people that don’t know how great WordPress really is. Hopefully, your efforts will be fruitful.
