Posts Tagged ‘Cryptocurrency’

Top 6 Bitcoin Cryptocurrency WordPress Plugins 2019

In today’s world, cryptocurrencies are becoming trendy, and the demand for WordPress is increasing immensely due to popular blog hosting site. WordPress came with the idea of accepting Bitcoin as a payment method. Bitcoin is a digital software-based currency, and it is a popular and widely used payment method for professional websites. Bitcoin is the standard online payment options and it is known as the first open-source, peer-to-peer, digital cryptocurrency.

The working process is quite simple and convenient for users. Install Bitcoin wallet on your system or mobile, from that it will generate your Bitcoin address. If you create this Bitcoin address, the transaction can be possible between Bitcoin wallets that the owner can pay to others and vice-versa. Bitcoin wallet keeps all the records of a signed deal that come from the owner’s wallet. All the transaction is taking place through the network through a process called mining.

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